Disappointment or adventure – the choice is yours.

Choose adventure!
Choose adventure!

I visited a tulip farm outside the DFW area with another blogger in-kind. We met to share ideas about adventure and to explore a new place together.

As you can see from the photo above, we quickly realized that it didn’t look like the heavenly flower field of Pinterest fantasies. It’s times like this where mindset means everything and is absolutely crucial to getting the most out of life.

The journey of living isn’t about how each moment, place, person or thing compares to others.

It’s about the beauty and wonder of that moment, right then, right there.

Sometimes it can be hard to find appreciation for our current predicament, but if you can look at life through the lens of adventure there is much to be discovered. Today I made a new friend, spent the day in glorious sunshine, had a beautifully quiet drive out to the countryside, saw lovely flowers and something even more fascinating. Today I saw people of all walks of life, races, genders, ages and economic status meandering around peacefully among the fields of tulips, and that’s a beautiful thing.

The spirit of adventure and the appreciation for life itself are universal.

In each moment you can choose to be disappointed or adventurous, to see lack and imperfection or to recognize beauty and opportunity. I choose adventure!