I’ve been jumping around on an adventure!

I’ve been a busy bee over the last year, jumping from place to place on the internet on a wild adventure. And I left you behind. This is me, circling back to bring you along for the crazy ride. Take my hand and follow for a minute.

When the pandemic hit, I found myself in a real funk. You know the kind. The kind of funk that makes it hard to get out of bed in the morning and face the day or do anything productive. All plans for outings were canceled in the blink of an eye. With extra time on my hands, I decided to explore Instagram – in the name of adventure, of course!

One thing let to another and I found myself posting about learning to dance with a hula hoop (I know – it’s a little crazy), then I became an affiliate for a clothing company and things were moving along until one day…

– BAM! – an idea hit me. The hula hoop was teaching me life lessons!

I was learning about discipline, persistence, creativity, surrender, forgiveness, courage, and so much more! Next thing you know… I made a TikTok account, too (how did that even happen?!). I started posting about the talking plastic circle @TheCircleSpeaks and it’s been quite an experience. As I was learning all about TikTok, I followed a few interesting people and one thing led to another. Pretty soon I was also shuffle dancing (I know – seriously weird!!!), fishing, and trying other random fun things just for sheer adventure of exploring whatever was new to me.

And now… the pandemic has calmed down here in the U.S. I’m back here on the blog, reigning it all in, and thrilled that you’re here to share in the fun. Adventures are more fun with friends along, after all. Please feel free to follow me on Instagram and TikTok. I also have a YouTube channel, if that’s your thing. Adventure awaits! Let’s go have fun!