The Adventure in your Mind

Years ago, I used to enjoy camping, skiing, hiking, canoeing, and many other activities outdoors. These days, circumstances don’t allow for that, so the adventures I’m having are primarily in my mind.

I don’t mean daydreaming about mountain climbing. I mean that there are other ways to be adventurous, like learning new skills, meeting new people, and even doing some self discovery or personal development.

The first time I saw someone dance with a hula hoop, I was mesmerized. It was inspiring and graceful, and I dare say even magical. A few years ago, the man in my life gifted me a hoop after noticing my interest in learning. It was the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received and it led me forward on a journey – or adventure- in learning how to spin, balance, throw, catch, twist and jump with a plastic circle in one hand.

It led me down a path of needing to become stronger, more fit, have more stamina, and lose a few pounds.

And then the Adventure in my mind began.

I started learning about spirituality, acceptance, flow, discipline, and focus. I began to practice with intention, meditate while moving, and learned to explore the thoughts in my head rather than letting then run amuk. From the outside, I probably just appear to be a middle aged woman, throwing a child’s toy around, but in my mind, I’m actively growing, expanding, and exploring in ways I never expected.

I would challenge you to take some time, a few months or a year, to delve into the depths of your mind and your soul. Yes, I highly recommend embarking on an inner adventure. Get to know yourself really well. Do you know what your values are? Do you pay attention to what your feeling or just press on through the day with noticing? What are your dreams and ambitions? Are you doing anything to make them a reality?

Exploring one’s self can be as rewarding, or more so, than exploring the world outside. The rewards being greater confidence, faster decision making, a happier outlook, and improved relationships.

Adventure awaits! Go have fun!